15 signs your saddle doesn't fit - negative behaviour in your horse
15 Signs Your Saddle Doesn't Fit
Your horses welfare is your responsibility
As a horse owner and rider, your horses welfare is your responsibility. Being able to recognise signs in your horse that your saddle doesn't fit, or is causing him/her pain is crucial to a happy, healthy horse.
Horses are not naturally disobedient, or aggressive. They are generally very cooperative provided two key elements are met. Firstly they need to understand what you are asking them to do, and secondly they need to be comfortable, and free from pain/restriction to be able to carry out what you are asking to do.
Many problems and behavioural issues are the result of a poor fitting saddle.
However it does not have to be that way. You can learn how to identify signs of a poor fitting saddle, and know when its time to call in a professional qualified saddle fitter to have a good look at your saddle and horse for you.
Equine behavioural issues as a result of poor saddle fit
Does your horse display any of the following signs:
- Avoidance behaviours - trying to walk away when being tacked up
- Ears back/head shaking when saddle comes close by
- Excessive tail swishing both in the stable and when ridden
- Pawing the ground
- Threatening to bite you when you come close with the saddle
- Girthy behaviour - negative behaviour when doing up the girth
- Reluctant to go forwards when being ridden
- Stopping at fences
- Short strides
- Breathlessness
- Bucking
- Rearing
- Hollowing the back and not working in an outline
- Tripping / stumbling
- Unable to canter on the right leg/irregular gaits
If you answered yes to any of the above points, it is time for you to get your saddle checked by a qualified professional saddle fitter.
All of the above signs are ways in which your horse is trying to communicate to you that there is a problem... and its time to listen.
Empower Yourself with Saddle Fit Knowledge
Booking regular check ups with your saddle fitter makes you a level 1 responsible horse owner. You are a step above those who don't have saddle fitters out. However, if you want to take that to the next level and be the best owner you can be for your horse you need to be able to recognise the signs of a poor fitting saddle yourself. This will enable you to know when you call the professional in and enable you to react quickly to prevent short term issues becoming long term problems.
You can learn key saddle fit issues in The Saddle Bank's online saddle fit issues course. The course is designed for horse owners and riders just like you.
It is designed to enable you to learn key information about saddle fit, how to recognise issues, how to consistently monitor your horse for changes in their weight/muscle development and how to check your saddle regularly to ensure it fits and is not causing your horse any pain or discomfort.
The course is really easy to understand and talks you through step by step in a series of videos. It is instantly accessible to everyone in the world. You don't have to wait weeks and weeks until your next saddle fitting appointment to empower yourself TODAY with the knowledge your horse needs you to have.
Learn more about how saddles should fit….
If you are a horse owner or rider and would like to learn more about saddle fitting, and how the saddle can impact your horses performance and welfare, click on the image below.