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Which Horse Bedding should you use?

By Jade | January 6, 2022
  1. Horse Management

Horse bedding is an essential aspect of equine care, impacting the comfort and well-being of your horse. It plays a crucial role in maintaining a clean and hygienic environment in the stable, while also providing comfort and support for your horse. With various bedding options available, it’s essential to choose the right one that suits both you and your horse’s needs.

Types of Horse Bedding

Before delving into the factors that can help you decide which bedding to choose, let's explore some common types of horse bedding:

Straw Bedding

Straw has been a traditional bedding choice for horses for centuries. It's readily available, affordable, and provides some insulation. However, straw may not be as absorbent as other bedding materials, and it can become dusty, which may not be suitable for horses with respiratory issues.

Wood Shavings

Wood shavings, often made from softwoods like pine or cedar, are a popular bedding choice. They're highly absorbent, making them effective at moisture control. Wood shavings also provide a comfortable surface for horses to lie on, but they should be dust-free.

Pelleted Bedding

Pelleted bedding is typically made from compressed sawdust or wood fibres. When moisture is introduced, the pellets break down into a soft, absorbent material. Pelleted bedding is known for its excellent absorbency and low-dust properties, making it a suitable choice for horses with respiratory sensitives.

Hemp Bedding

Hemp bedding is becoming increasingly popular due to its eco-friendliness. It is highly absorbent, biodegradable, and virtually dust-free. Hemp bedding can help control odours and provides a comfortable surface for horses.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Horse Bedding

Now that we've discussed some common bedding types, let's explore the factors that can help you make an informed decision.


One of the most critical factors in bedding selection is absorbency. A good bedding material should effectively absorb moisture, keeping the horse's living space dry and preventing issues like thrush or skin irritations. 

Dust Levels

Dust can be problematic for both horses and humans. Dusty bedding can exacerbate respiratory issues in horses, so opt for bedding materials with low dust levels, or consider using dust-reducing additives.


Comfort is vital for your horses wellbeing. Ensure that the bedding material provides a comfortable surface for your horse to lie down and rest. It should also provide adequate cushioning to reduce the risk of pressure sores.


Consider your budget when selecting horse bedding. While some materials may be more affordable initially, they might require more frequent changes, increasing long-term costs. Balance cost-effectiveness with the needs of your horse. 

Allergies and Health Concerns

If your horse has allergies or respiratory issues, prioritise bedding materials that are dust-free and hypoallergenic. Keeping your horse's health in mind is crucial.


The availability of bedding materials in your area can influence your choice. Choose a bedding option that is readily accessible to ensure a consistent supply.

Selecting the right horse bedding is essential for your horse's comfort, health, and overall wellbeing. Consider factors like absorbency, dust levels, comfort, cost, health concerns and availability when making your choice. 

Ultimately, the ideal bedding material will provide a clean, dry, and comfortable environment for your horse, allowing them to thrive in their stable. Regular maintenance and monitoring of your horse's bedding will help ensure their continued health and happiness. 

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